Hey! I'm Nico Chaves

Photo of Nico Chaves

I'm a full-stack software engineer with significant experience using tools like:
TypeScript, React, Node.js, GraphQL, and SQL (especially PostgreSQL)

When I'm not building software, I'm probably listening to a podcast about software 😂 ...But when I'm not doing that, I like hiking with my dog Sophie, doing Muay Thai, spending time in the ocean, and playing bass guitar.

Check out my website CopyBass.com, which I created to help me practice playing bass. 🤘

A photo of Nico standing in a lush meadow overlooking the West Maui Mountains as the sun sets.A photo of Nico petting his German Shepherd Sophie's belly while she lays on the grass at the park as the sun sets.A close-up photo of Nico's left-handed Fender Precision Bass.A photo of Nico petting his German Shepherd Sophie on a sandy hill overlooking the ocean at Fort Funston in San Francisco.A photo of Nico with 2 German Shepherds on a beach with the San Francisco Bay in the background.An underwater photo of a Hawaiian spotted eagle ray and green sea turtle swimming peacefully.A photo of Nico kicking a heavy bag with a Muay Thai round kick.